Thursday, April 16, 2009

Leaving the Building

So my time at 3L has come to an end
3 of us are moving at the beginning of may.
this can still be a good tool for all of you at 550, 7th st.
I'll be checking to see if it is in use.

to bad we do not need a new stove:)

Peace and Love

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

So This is me - Yael from 3L,

The idea of this blog is - for us, the neighbours to know each other by name and face, and have a "BillBord" that we can use for our daily life as a community !

What you can to do in order for this idea to become a reality, (and a powerful tool for all of us) is post a photo and your name - and what ever info you think is relevant (need babysitters, have sofa for sale, having a party,.... ext. ), and from there - the sky is the limit...

hope this opportunity excites you as it dos me,
see you around

Your Neighbour